Host your own Discord Bot on Raspberry Pi 5
By: Shubhojit Banerjee 1143 Views

Today we’ll be showing you how to make your own discord bot and host it on Raspberry Pi 5 seamlessly. Before we begin, we need few perquisites like basic knowledge... Read More

Tilt Sensor Interfacing With Raspberry Pi
By: Vishal Shinde 2668 Views

The article will cover the tilt sensor basics and understand its interfacing with Raspberry Pi.... Read More

Grid() Method - Grid Geometry Manager
By: Vishal Shinde 2195 Views

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Grid Manager in Tkinter.... Read More

How to Work on Raspberry Pi 4 GPIO Using Python Language?
By: Vishal Shinde 2401 Views

This article tells you how to work on Raspberry Pi GPIO using Python language.... Read More